Thursday, October 24, 2013

11-19 October – AGLCA Rendezvous – Joe Wheeler State Park Lodge and Marina

11-13 October - The Rendezvous doesn't kick off officially until Monday, but you'd never know it from the activity in the marina. More Loopers arriving daily.  This popular Rendezvous is sold out -- the marina is full, the lodge is full, and folks are overflowing into the campground, cabins and even the Economy Inn in nearby Rogersville. And every afternoon there is a lively docktail gathering on the pool deck.

We even had the opportunity to watch a real Alabama country wedding (the lodge is a popular wedding destination), right from our flybridge, overlooking the lodge patio. Everyone in the wedding party wore cowboy boots, even the flower girls.  The couple walked down the aisle to country music.  We added the horn blasts when the bride and groom
marched out to "I met her at a Truckstop". 
Pretty awesome.

Monday, 14 October - The 2013 Fall Rendezvous officially kicked off today, and what a wonderful day it was. It began with a beautiful sunrise on the lake, with all of the  landlubbers in the lodge sipping their coffee on balconies, watching the boaters in the marina wiping off the dew, walking the dogs and doing all those quiet early morning things that boaters do. By mid-afternoon, the staff and volunteers had the ship's store set up, the registration bags filled and sponsors' banners hung. Just like that, the Rendezvous was underway. First up on the agenda was the introduction of the loopers-in-progress, a
perfect way to start the show. It is always fun and inspirational to hear the stories of those fortunate folks who are currently living the dream. We heard from Loopers who started their Loop thirteen years ago, and others who started just five days ago. The evening's program started with an outdoor cocktail party sponsored by Turner Marine, and dinner sponsored by Curtis Stokes & Associates.
Tom and Patsy Conrad did a great job as our masters of ceremonies and kept us on schedule with only a few blasts of Tom's whistle. After introductions and some salty tales from the Gold Loopers in attendance, the evening closed with the ever-popular door prizes.

Tuesday, 15 October - We enjoyed a big breakfast generously provided by our friends and sponsors Dog River Marina (great free t-shirts, too!), and the daily seminars began.
We attended the seminars on the TennTom to Mobile, Mobile to Tarpin Springs, and Crossing the Gulf. There was a life raft demonstration by Capt. Henry Marx, vessel safety checks, and “looper crawls” (where loopers tour other boats) and a flare firing exercise.  At dinner, they introduced the newbies – those who were still planning to do the loop (some for quite a while).

Wednesday, 16 October - Well, the predicted rain finally showed up today, but did not dampen the spirits of this gathering of happy Loopers. And after another full day of excellent seminars and presentations (Tarpon Springs to Key West, Okeechobee, and Key West to Jacksonville), the rain paused just in time for the optional excursion to downtown Rogersville. Buses provided by the
Chamber of Commerce picked up Loopers at Joe Wheeler and shuttled them into town for an afternoon of shopping and exploring. The big event of the day was the concert at Longing for Home Bed & Breakfast. Audrey Stehle organized this wonderful outing for the past five years and it never fails to please. She has been reassuring us all week that we shouldn't worry about a little rain, and she was right. By the time we all arrived at the B & B, the rain had stopped, the temperature had warmed up, and it turned out to be a practically
perfect evening for an outdoor concert. The first act was Appleton Road, a darling duo of 13-year-old twins Katie and Lindsey Konig who sang and played bass and mandolin. Just charming! They were followed by KGB -- the Kerry Gilbert Band. They are not only great musicians, but also very funny guys and they kept us laughing and dancing along all night.  But the big surprise came from one of our own, Jim on Sea Fever, who joined the band on keyboard for one set and just brought the house down. We all know that Loopers are multi-talented, but Jim raised the bar to new heights! He closed out the night with his signature version of Amazing Grace and it was amazing indeed!

Thursday, 17 October – Today’s seminars covered Jacksonville to Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach to Norfolk, and side trips up the St John’s River and up the Tennessee River to Chattanooga. The afternoon was highlighted by the many gracious Loopers who opened their boats for the Looper Crawl, and by the immensely entertaining blindfolded dinghy races. We were so surprised by a visit from Rita and John, a Lithuanian couple who we met two years ago who were in the area and decided to see if they knew anyone at the Rendezvous. So nice to see them again!

The evening program was fun but also poignant. As always at the closing dinner, it was a time to acknowledge those who give exceptional dedication to the Looper community all throughout the year. The Harbor Host of the Year award was given to Jerry and Jenny Reves, Harbor Hosts for Charleston, SC. Jerry accepted for both of them, as Jenny was caring for their daughter who has recently undergone surgery. The Skipper Bob award went to Claiborne Young, who was not present, having very recently lost his wife, Karen. Our thoughts and prayers go to Claiborne and Jerry and Jenny and their families, but we also give our gratitude for all they have done and continue to do for the cruising community. And we honored Hank (traveling on Journey) as being the oldest looper, a veteran of WW2, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, and the most interesting guy we ever met.

It has become a tradition for the Rendezvous to close with a musical
gathering led by Ron and Eva Stob, joined by any other musicians in the group who choose to participate. The rest of us sing or tap our feet or whatever. This year we were fortunate to have the addition of Jim Emshoff on Sea Fever, the "surprise" keyboardist from last night's Rogersville concert.  Singing those old river songs just feels right.

Friday, 18 October – Dense fog delayed, but did not stop about 25 boats from moving to their next destinations, some heading down river towards the TennTom, some heading up river to Chattanooga. After casting off dock lines, wishing each other smooth sailing, and looking forward to meeting again along the waterways, we got a rental car and picked up our grandson Eli at the Huntsville

International Airport.

Saturday, 19 October – While 15 more boats were leaving this morning, we went to the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville. This is the only space center that has a full-
scale upright mockup of the Saturn V rocket. Quite impressive. There’s also a real, horizontal Saturn V inside the huge complex.  There is a famous picture of Wernher von Braun standing next to the engines he designed. Saturn I was outside in the rocket garden, next to the upright Saturn V. Also
in the rocket garden, there is a display of Redstone rockets- Eli expressed surprise at their relatively small size.

Sunday, 20 October – Rogersville, AL to Counce, TN – 62 mi., 4473 cum mi.
Dense fog, 53 degrees. We planned to leave early with Reunion, but the fog and three tows locking through Wheeler Lock delayed our planned early departure, so we enjoyed a leisurely breakfast buffet at the lodge. Soon the
fog lifted, and the Wheeler lockmaster cleared the way for us to lock down 52 ft. In another 15 mi., we were locking down 93 ft. through the Wilson Lock – what a ride – and, I believe, the biggest of all the locks Eli ever experienced. The cruise down the Tennessee River was beautiful. Blue sky, nice scenery, no wind…just a blue bird day.
We arrived at Grand Harbor Marina near closing time, along with several other boats, so docking was a boat shuffle. We borrowed the courtesy van and met Perfect Day at Freddy T’s restaurant. Nice to see them again. They were still dealing with some repairs at a neighboring marina.

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